PPO Merit Submission Form

Statement of Purpose - Professional Photographers of Ohio (PPO) recognizes service to the photographic community through volunteerism, participation, photographic excellence, and education. It is our hope that these awards will serve to inspire new and current members to become and stay active in the professional community, to continue learning and improving through education and attendance at photographic events, and to recognize those individuals whose service are exemplary.

Earning an Award - The program will run on an annual basis. Members are responsible for keeping track of the merits they accumulate during the year.

Deadline to Submit Points - The award period runs from March 2 – March 1. All members must submit their merit summary form each year by April 30th.

Awards Presentation - ALL awards shall be presented annually at the PPO Awards Banquet at our annual Convention. If a recipient does not attend the banquet, the Award shall be presented at the next event that the recipient attends.

50 Merits (Medallion)
25 Merits (Slide Bar for Ribbon)